
2025-2026 School Year Registration is Open! Check out our registration page for more information and to enroll.

We offer classes for children ages 0-5. We offer a variety of unique class groupings for siblings and also an evening class geared toward parents and caregivers who work during the day.  These special class offerings allow for more families to participate in the enriching co-op experience for their children and themselves.

Baby & Me

Baby and Me

Teacher: Amy
Ages: 0-1 years old
Days/time: Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:15AM

Tuition: $80/month
2024/2025 Availability: Space Available
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, space available.

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.

Busy Ones

Teacher: Liz
Ages: 1-2 years old
Days/time: Mondays 9:30 – 11:15AM

Tuition: $80/month
2024/2025 Availability: 1 spot left!
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, space available.

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.

Family Mornings

Teacher: Liz
Ages: 1-5 years old
Days/time: Wednesday & Friday 9:30 – 11:15AM

Tuition: $145/month
2024/2025 Availability: 1 spot left!
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, space available.

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.
*2025-2026 tuition will be raised by $5 for this class

Rising Stars

Teacher: Liz
Ages: 2-3 years old
Days/time: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 – 11:15AM

Tuition: $145/month*
2024/2025 Availability: 3 spots available
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, space available.

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.
*2025-2026 tuition will be raised by $5 for this class

Night Owls

Teacher: Amy
Ages: 1-5 years old
Days/time: Thursday 6:30PM – 8:15PM*

Tuition: $80/month
2024/2025 Availability: Space Available
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, space available.

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.
*The time of this class will take place from 6:00-7:45pm for the 2025-2026 school year

Super Heroes

Teacher: Cathy
Ages: 3-5 years old
Days/time: Mon, Tues, & Thurs 9:30AM – 12:00PM

Tuition: $215/month
2024/2025 Availability: 1 spot left!
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, 3 spots left!

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.
*2025-2026 tuition will be raised by $5 for this class

Lunch Pail Bunch

Teacher: Cathy
Ages: 3-5 years old
Days/time: Mon, Tues, & Thurs 11:30AM – 2:00PM

Tuition: $215/month
2024/2025 Availability: Space Available
2025/2026 Availability: Registration OPEN, limited space available!

For a complete class description and parent education information please see table below.
*2025-2026 tuition will be raised by $5 for this class

Special Class Groupings

Do you have an 18 month and 4 year old? Active 5 year old? Kid with a later bedtime? Whatever your family dynamic or educational aspirations, there is a place for you at NCCP.

Class Groupings for Siblings

Busy Ones / Super Heroes

Rising Stars / Super Heroes

This combination allows for families with 2 or more children in two different age ranges the ability to enroll their kids at the same school in their age appropriate class with the same hours, and still enable the parent/caregiver to have at least one drop off day.

Class Groupings for Pre-K Children

Super Heroes + Lunch Pail Bunch

This offering is a perfect way to extend the classroom experience for families desiring a longer day at preschool. Kids will experience a full session in the morning, a recess at the playground, lunch in the classroom and another full afternoon session.

Class for Children of Working Parents

Night Owls

This offering is for those families who want to be involved in their children’s education but who are unable to partake during business hours because of work or other commitments, or for those kids who learn best in the later part of the day.

Complete Class Descriptions & More Information

  • Teacher: Amy
    Ages: 0-1 years old*
    Days/time: Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:15AM
    Tuition: $80/month**

    *Under 1 year old as of September 1st

    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Baby and Me meets once a week. Both the caregiver and the child attend together. Baby and Me students have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills. To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    For parents of multiple preschool aged children, this class runs alongside of Family Mornings. We also have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family.

    Parent Education

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 0 to 1 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 124 is a two credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • Participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • Discuss and understand normal development of one to four year old children.

    • Establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • Explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

  • Teacher: Liz
    Ages: 1-2 years old*
    Days/Time: Mondays 9:30-11:15AM
    Class size: 12
    Tuition: $80/month**

    *One year old as of September 1st

    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Busy Ones meets once a week. Both the caregiver and the child attend together. Busy Ones have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills. To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    For parents of multiple preschool aged children, this class runs alongside of Super Heroes AM. We also have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family.

    Parent Education

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 1 to 2 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 124 is a two credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • Participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • Discuss and understand normal development of one to four year old children.

    • Establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • Explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

  • Teacher: Liz
    Ages: 1-5 years old*
    Days/time: Wednesday & Friday 9:30-11:15AM

    Class size: 14
    Tuition: $145/month**

    *1, 2, 3 or 4 years old as of September 1st
    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Family Mornings meets twice a week. Children will attend two days a week. One day a week the caregiver will attend, the other day will be a “drop off” day if you so choose and your child is over the age of two. Family Mornings children have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills. This is a unique class with a larger age range and can be a perfect fit for siblings to attend class together. To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    We have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family. Please contact the registrar for information about siblings and eligibility to receive this discount.

    Parent Education

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 1 and 5 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 137 is a two-credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Learning Objectives:

    • To identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • To participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • To discuss and understand normal development of two to three year old children.

    • To establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • To explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

  • Teacher: Liz
    Ages: 2-3 years old*
    Days/time: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-11:15AM
    Class size: 14
    Tuition: $145/month**

    *2 years old as of September 1st
    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Rising Stars meet twice a week. Children will attend two days a week. One day a week the caregiver will attend, the other day will be a “drop off” day if you so choose. Rising Stars have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills. To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    For parents of multiple preschool aged children, this class runs alongside of Super Heroes AM. We also have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family.

    Parent Education:

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 2 and 3 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 137 is a two-credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Learning Objectives:

    • To identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • To participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • To discuss and understand normal development of two to three year old children.

    • To establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • To explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

  • Teacher: Amy
    Ages: 1-5 years old*
    Days/time: Thursay 6:30-8:15PM
    Class size: 12
    Tuition: $80/month**

    *1, 2, 3 or 4 years old as of September 1st
    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Night Owls meet once a week. Both the caregiver and the child(ren) attend together. Night Owls have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills. To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    This is a special evening class allowing for working parents and caregivers to offer themselves and their children the cooperative preschool experience as well as spend quality time with their children and meet new families! This class has a larger age range and can be a perfect fit for siblings to attend class together.  We have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family.  Please contact the registrar for information about siblings and eligibility to receive this discount.

    Parent Education

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 1 to 5 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 174 is a two credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Student (Parent) Learning Objectives:

    • To identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • To participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • To discuss and understand normal development of one to four year old children.

    • To establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • To explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

  • Teacher: Cathy
    Ages: 3-5 years old*
    Days/time: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-12:00PM
    Class size: 16
    Tuition: $215/month**

    *3 or 4 years old as of September 1st
    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Super Heroes is our morning class designed for 3–5-year-olds and meets three times a week. One day a week the caregiver will attend with their child, the other two days will be “drop off” days if you so choose. Super Heroes have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills. To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    For parents of multiple preschool aged children, this class runs alongside of both Busy Ones and Rising Stars. We also have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For parents of pre-k aged children looking for a longer preschool experience for their children, Super Heroes AM can be paired with Lunch Pail Bunch.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family. Please contact the registrar for information about siblings and eligibility to receive this discount.

    Parent Education

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 3 and 5 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 167 is a three credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Learning Objectives:

    • To identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • To participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • To discuss and understand normal development of three to five year old children.

    • To establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • To explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

  • Teacher: Cathy
    Ages: 3-5 years old*
    Days/Time: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 11:30AM-2:00PM
    Class size: 16
    Tuition: $215/month**

    *3 or 4 years old as of September 1st
    **Plus one time fees. A complete list and breakdown of fees and tuition requirements can be found in the FAQs on our Registration page here.

    Lunch Pail Bunch is our afternoon class geared at pre-kindergarten (pre-k) aged children and meets three times a week. One day a week the caregiver will attend with their child, the other two days will be “drop off” days if you so choose. Super Heroes have plenty of opportunities to play, enrich their senses, make friends and develop social skills.

    The Lunch Pail Bunch afternoon class meets over the lunch hour, so part of our focus will be on food. Our food theme will be in addition to our play-based class supporting children’s social-emotional development using the Nurtured Heart Approach. Eating lunch together, we’ll encourage discussions about the foods we eat, our preferences, and the simple joy of sharing a meal.  Children with adult assistance will cook food in class and will prepare a lunch together monthly.  To read more about a typical day in class, click here.

    For parents of pre-k aged children looking for a longer preschool experience for their children.

    We have a “babies in arms” policy allowing for siblings between birth and walking to attend, provided they are content to be confined in a front pack, back pack, infant carrier, etc. It is not appropriate for walking babies to be so confined. During parent education discussion groups, the infant stays with the parent.

    For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family.  Please contact the registrar for information about siblings and eligibility to receive this discount.

    Parent Education

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for parents and children between 3 and 5 years of age.  The course format includes weekly parent education discussions and classroom experiences designed to explore, learn and practice relevant early childhood development research.  Areas of discussion will include temperament, challenging behaviors, literacy, support structures for families and positive discipline.

    Course Requirements:

    Parent Education 167 is a three credit course.  Students must attend preschool each week and a parent education evening session once a quarter.  Please notify the instructor or parent coordinator if you are going to be absent from class.  All evening parent education seminars are required.  If for some reason you are absent from any of the evening seminars, there are a variety of ways you can make them up.  Please refer to your NCCP handbook for details on make-up sessions.  Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion groups as well as perform duties required to ensure a safe and enriching preschool.

    Student Learning Objectives:

    • To identify topics of concern for parents of young children and explore appropriate options.

    • To participate in discussions where class members express a variety of viewpoints.

    • To discuss and understand normal development of three to five year old children.

    • To establish, maintain and supervise a safe and stimulating environment that fosters appropriate play.

    • To explore current relevant research as it applies to young children.

About our classes

  • Infant siblings in backpacks or carriers welcome.

  • Children do not need to be potty trained to participate in classes.

  • Tuition assistance based on need is available. Please reach out to our school Treasurer ( if you need financial assistance. Your request is confidential.

  • View the complete list of Tuition and Fees.

  • Find out what a typical day in class looks like!

  • For children enrolled in more than one class, there is a discount of 10% off the tuition costs of each additional class. The discount will be applied to the lowest class tuition(s). There is a $15/month sibling discount for families with more than one child enrolled in class(es). Limit one sibling discount per family.